Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Parent Asset functionality in Oracle Assets

Parent asset functionality is used, to group all the subcomponent assets of a major (parent) asset for ease of processing and reporting.

At the time of entering a sub-component of a parent asset, enter the number of parent asset to which the new asset belongs to.

Based on the rule provided in Asset category and parent asset life, Oracle Assets defaults the life for a subcomponent asset. User can select either of;

·         Same End Date (Without specifying a minimum life): Subcomponent asset’s life is remaining life period of the parent asset

·         Same End Date (Specifying a minimum life): Subcomponent asset’s life is remaining life period of the parent asset or the minimum life provided, whichever is more

·         Same Life: Subcomponent asset’s life is actual life period of parent asset. In this scenario, subcomponent asset will continue the depreciation, even after the parent asset is fully depreciated

·         None: There is no connection between the life of the subcomponent asset and the parent asset life. Oracle Assets defaults the subcomponent asset life from the asset category.

As per the life of the subcomponent assets as defaulted above, depreciation rates need to be defined in the system.

When a transaction has been performed on parent asset, the transaction will not be performed automatically on the subcomponent asset, except mass retirements where in user can select automatically retire subcomponents along with the parent asset.

User has to manually do the same transactions on the subcomponent asset, if they are applicable to subcomponent asset as well.


Reports available:

Parent Asset Transactions Report: Lists all the transactions performed on parent assets in a particular asset book

Parent Asset Report: Extracts all the parent assets along with its subcomponent assets


Uses of parent assets

·         Defaulting the subcomponent asset’s life

·         Reporting purpose

·         Retiring subcomponent assets at the parent asset retiring through mass retirement

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

FA Account Generation when using SLA

In R12, We have an option to select whether to use FA Account Generator Workflow or not. In case, we wish not to use FA Account Generator workflow, Sub Ledger Accounting (SLA) will generate FA accounts.

The profile option to control this is:
FA: Use Workflow Account Generation. This should be 'Yes' (By Default 'No' if it is null) to use workflow Account Generator.

Based on this profile option, the FA Account Generator Workflow is conditional, while SLA is always used.

This post explains how SLA works in case of the profile option FA: Use Workflow Account Generation is set to No, which means FA Account Generator is not being used.

Note: This view is in context when Payables Code Combination is also null along with code combination generated by FA Account Generator workflow.

Oracle provides default SLA Application Accounting Definition setup. If this meets the requirements, SLA customization is not required and we can use the seeded AAD.

SLA Application Accounting Definition looks like following.

AAD is setup for different Event Classes and Event Types which has Journal Line Definition Assignments. To see the sla rules for particular event class, for example: 'Additions', place the cursor on desired event class and click on Journal Line Definition Tab.

JLD has different Journal Line Assignments, For Example: 'Assets Addition Cost' which has Account Derivation Rules. ADRs can be for all segments or we can create rules for individual segments based on the requirements. Here, the Rule Name and Description shows which is the source to derive account segments.

If you see, for Natural Account segment, rule name and description says, the source is Asset Categories window and for Balancing Segment, Asset Assignments window and for all other segments, source is Book Controls window.

To see the rule in detail, place the cursor on desired ADR rule(For Example: Natural Account Segment field), and click on Account Derivation Rule tab.

Here, we can create the conditions for ADR, where the ADR works only if the conditions are met.  In this case, the ADR derives the Account segment from Asset Categories window to build account code combination when the code combination generated by FA Account Generator workflow is null.

We can also map the segment values by using the value type as Mapping Type, where we can provide constant values or Input-Output segments mapping according to the requirements.

Default Sources when using Oracle Seeded AAD:

Following image represents the default sources when we are using the default SLA setup provided by Oracle.

This shows different Event classes/types in first level, account types/journal line types in second level and default sources to derive segment values for generating the Account code combinations in third level.