Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Transaction Dates for Auto Invoices in Receivables:

If there is no value provided for Transaction Date, the Autoinvoice program populates the Transaction date for Auto Invoices based several facors such as Derive Date option enabled or Disabled for Transaction Source, few colums from RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL, Invoice rules and Accounting Rules defind or not, and the default value provided in the parameters of Autoinvoice program.

Let us see how Autoinvoice program derives Transaction date based on Derive Date option for Transaction source and populted columns from RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL such as GL_DATE, SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL and SALES_ORDER_DATE.

Case 1: If the Derive Date option is enabled for Transaction Source, Autoinvoice program uses the following order to create Transaction Date.
4. DEFAULT_DATE (Provided in parameters of Autoinvoice program, which is mandatory)

Case2: If the Derive Date check box is disabled for Transaction Source, Autoinvoice program uses following order to populated Transaction Date.
2. DEFAULT_DATE (Provided in parameters of Autoinvoice program, which is mandatory)

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